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Dog Pictures

A drinking dog is a happy dog! Fresh water only.

Dehydration in dogs can lead to many health issues. It becomes very important for a dog owner to watch out for a lack of fluids in the pet’s body. Ensuring proper hydration is crucial as water not only..

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Five Ways to raise a friendly dog.

Every dog owner’s secret wish is for their puppy to grow up to be one well rounded friendly dog. Those that either have adopted or are planning to adopt a dog can follow the below tips to ensure..

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7 New Year Goals to Achieve For the Pet

How about starting the year on a selfless note? Well good done to others is good done to oneself! We all have New Year dreams and resolutions for ourselves. How about including our pets in our New Year..

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Can Dogs Think like Humans?

Ever wondered what your dog thinks of you as a parent or the barrage of commands you shout at it all day? Can dogs actually process information and does their brain function like that of humans? Image: Dogs..

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10 Dog Breeds that Need Extra Protection in Cold Weather

Some dog breeds definitely require a little extra protection and warmth in the cold weather. Dog owners living in a region experiencing cold climate would definitely want to take a dekko at the below list consisting of various..

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10 Christmas Gifts to quirk up your pets. #SantaPaw

T’is the season of gifting presents and bestowing warmth! Are you one of those who never forget to surprise his pet with rewards it truly enjoys but have grown bored with clichéd gifting ideas and raring to digress from..

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11 Common Dog Behaviors Decoded

Common Dog Behavior like digging, scooting or sitting between your legs give an insight into the body language/common behaviors of your pet dog. Decoding it will not only help you understand its mood but also better your relationship..

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When You Have DOGS IN THE AUDIENCE STANDS Watching a Polo Match

We love the game of Polo not just for its classy and regal appeal but simply because it is an outdoor sport where dogs are allowed! Where, shiny horses ridden by suave players chase a ball with their mallets..

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10 Human Foods Healthily Suitable For Dogs

Though feeding table scraps to pet dogs must be avoided but giving some human foods to dogs is good. Away from the stiff ‘what not to feed’, here we have a list of People food items that are..

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Why Dogs Enjoy Car Rides?

Most Dogs love Car rides and you may not realize but a simple ride for you is a moment of bliss for the pooch. There are several reasons at play for the dog to feel overjoyed at the..

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